Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay on Three Reasons Against Gun Control - 646 Words
A controversial subject in America today is gun control; should there be or should there not be. I do not know the answer to this question, but I do have an opinion as most citizen of our country. All trough our history guns have been used for the good of the people, and on the other hand, they have been used for the not so good of the people; however, as with most things there is a good use and a bad use. I believe the good uses out weigh the bad uses in this case. In this essay I am going to discuss three reasons I am against gun control: one being it is our constitutional right to bear arms, two every citizen should have the right to protect themselves, their family, and their property, and three for conservation purposes hunting†¦show more content†¦He never used these guns to hurt or kill anybody he simply enjoyed having them and taking care of them. He left these guns to my brother and now he enjoys doing the same things my grandfather did with them, he has added pistols to the collection and the collection keeps growing. He hopes one day to leave his collection to his son or grandson, but if gun control were enacted he would not be able to continue this family tradition, and maybe lose what he and our grandfather collected. Every citizen should be able to protect themselves, their families, and their property. If it takes a gun to do this, then by all means, we should be able to have them in our possession. If guns were taken away from the honest people, the dishonest people would find ways to get them, and without a means of protection how could we protect what is ours. What I am trying to say is if having a gun in your possession may keep someone from trying to harm us, what we have, and own, then guns do not need to be taken from us. Maybe more restrictions should be placed on purchasing guns; for example, fines put on people having guns in their possession that are not registered to them, and also fine the person the gun is registe red too. Law enforcement agencies should be notified if a gun is no longer in the possession of the person it wasShow MoreRelated Gun Use Must Be Strictly Regulated Essay763 Words  | 4 Pageslive in. Drugs, guns, and alcohol are all detrimental to human beings. Among them all, however, guns are known to have the most direct impact on human lives. Many murders have been made, many threats, and suicides. Many cases have been able to take place because of guns. Therefore, gun control must definitely take place in the society that we live in today. Then, why do some people desire the country to require everyone to have a gun in their homes? Why is it that they want the guns to lie around asRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesGuns, Guns, Guns. 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In the Constitution, The Second Amendment gives the right to bear arms, but there have been restrictionsRead MoreThe Argument Against Gun Control Essay1141 Words  | 5 Pagesthis paper, I consider the topic of gun control. First, I present Dixon’s argument in support of gun control, which is that all personal guns should be banned. Second, I introduce Huemer’s argument against the regulation of guns, which is that banning personal firearms is not justified. Third, I critique Huemer’s argument against gun control on the grounds of three claims. First, the right to own a gun is nullified by its negative repercussions. Second, gun control does not violate an individual’s rightRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1573 Words  | 7 Pagessay. The issue being gun control and how guns affect and/or end lives, the even bigger issue though is the issue of how people can or can not write about gun control to educate the public. Gun Control is an issue that needs to be avoided when trying to persuade readers of an opinion for two reasons, the issue of gun control is a terrible essay topic because there are too many emotions involved in gun control debates and because in general there is no good research on gun control. The only essays andRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence911 Words  | 4 Pages Gun violence is the sign of a far greater universal problem in America today. Violence and gun violence specifically, is surrounded within, and spread all through every part of our society. All the reasons remain intimately related to the actual solution, which can only be a general solution one by treating it as one is sue. The region that I live in is considered a peaceful part of Harvest, which I am particularly grateful about. I do not have to worry about gunfights in the roads of my communityRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control1073 Words  | 5 Pages Implementing gun control in the United States would only result in more chaos and increased rebellion from citizens who responsibly and legally own firearms. In doing so, the law-abiding citizens would be left defenseless against the criminals who continue to obtain guns illegally. Not only that, but the 2nd amendment rights of the United States Constitution would be diminished and the crime in the community would remain the same or perhaps increase. Gun control would not stop criminals from illegallyRead MoreEssay about Gun Control in America1300 Words  | 6 PagesGuns are there a right to all American citizens, or are they an out of date way of defense. In this paper you will find many examples of how guns are a right for Americans. Also necessary way of defense. People who are for gun control, assume that when guns are taken away there will no longer be any gun related crime. This is far from the truth, in many places where strict gun control bills have been passed; the murder rate has risen by a huge amount. In the following paragraphs you will findRead MoreGun Control Laws Should Be Stricter Laws931 Words  | 4 Pagesstricter gun control laws. By this they mean, regulate the sale, manufacture, possession, transfer, and use of firearms. They believe if the government does not make stricter gun control laws, then gun violence and deaths due to guns will only continue to increase over the years. Although there are many people for gun control laws, there are many people who are also against it. Some of the people who are against gun control laws probably will not understand why there should be stricter gun control lawsRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On The Gun Of The Teeth : The Worldwide Plague Of Small Arms1597 Words  | 7 Pagesis one gun for every ten people on earth today. The people who supports gun control believe that if we are trying to save the world, guns for wars should not be shipped around for individual uses. There have been around 400 million deaths due to small arms and conflicts since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Once a person owns a gun, it is very rare that they will be willing to give the gun up. In South Africa, guns have been melted down, blown up, and cut into pieces. If there were stricter gun control
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